Sunday, October 25, 2009

CAR-B-QUE 2009...

If you are in need of a guaranteed good time complete with good friends, terrific food and and an over abundance of laughs then attend a BBQ at the Wittmans. Sheree and George Wittman opened their home to their friends this weekend for a great evening get together. Guests knew going in that with George no one was safe from his sense of expected, he didn't disappoint. A high five to Sheree and George for a great party and a very sincere thank you from everyone for inviting us into your home.

Below is a sampling of smiles from the Car-B-Que 2009.


  1. Hey, Great food, Great friends, Great fun & Great photos. Thanks Rich...

    Gary & Marcella

  2. When George and Sheree put on a Car BQ you can be assured is is top notch. They opened up there beautiful home to friends from all over. The weather was perfect, the food was beyond great, "Thanks to the Iron Chef" and the entertainment was far better than the Comedy Club. Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon. Dennis and Carol

  3. Looks like it was a fun time. I love the shot of Uncle Pete and Cathy.


  4. Very Very nice Rich , Thanks for sharing with me. I always enjoy the presentation ! Lou
